TASK Environmental, Inc. was contracted by the City of Fort Lauderdale to conduct a remedial investigation and feasibility study for the abandoned municipal incinerator facility. TASK collected and analyzed more than 300 groundwater, soil, sediment, surface water and fish tissue samples. The primary contaminants of concern are heavy metals and dioxin. TASK prepared the Remedial Action Report and Feasibility Study, and participated in community relations activities with the City and the US Environmental Protection Agency. TASK provided continuing support services during identification of Potential Responsible Parties (PRPs), negotiation of the Consent Decree, and remedial design/remedial action. TASK provided construction oversight services during the demolition of structures, and inspection during landfill capping. We also excavated and disposed of petroleum-contaminated soil, and removed above-ground fuel storage tanks for non-CERCLA regulatory enforcement activities. TASK is currently providing long-term post-closure monitoring of groundwater, surface water, sediment and fish tissue.